Ivor O’Connor

January 28, 2010

Why Ubuntu Sucks: Part V

Filed under: Uncategorized — ioconnor @ 12:44 am

I was tracking down the printing bug that has been around like forever. Since Ubuntu version 5 or 6. It’s the one that prevents Ubuntu from printing a PDF or if it does print it may take 30 minutes. The bug can be found here on their bugs.launchpad. This time around people are actually taking it seriously. Noticing how it will tie up 100% of both CPUs in a dual CPU machine and hang. Notice how the very first sentence is:

This bug report will be marked for expiration in 58 days if no further activity occurs.

So if they don’t fix it in this iteration they’ll continue to mark the Brother printers as fully compatible as they have in the past.

Once again the whole problem with Ubuntu is practically nothing works 100%.


  1. I feel your pain. It seems that the problems just multi[ply with each new release. As in, “it just keeps getting worse”. Why do these clowns roll out new release after new release, when it seems to me they should be focusing on taking care of a great many outstanding bugs FIRST? I don’t get it… But I do get that I’m done with Ubuntu. I had a lousy experience with Hardy Heron (don’t even get me going on the cheesy utopian names), but this latest release is a total pile of rubbish. They really hosed the Xorg display config mechanisms in this distro, and that was the last straw. Someone needs to explain to the Ubuntu folks that an operating system is worthless if it doesn’t operate.

    Comment by Dr. Donewithubuntu — April 14, 2010 @ 11:33 am

    • I just finished making a gaming computer. (Not for me.) I used M$ 64bit with 6GBs and one of those fancy crossfire graphics cards. You know where most of the problems arose? From the hardware manufacturers!

      Starting with the motherboard. The board came with a thick manual covering every language in the World. The few pages devoted to English did not list any of the problems I encountered. Their two digit diagnostics display did not contain any of the actual error codes that the board displayed. I had to google for what other people did when they encountered those errors! WTF!! It was during this scenario I discovered the memory cards show no error messages despite all the fancy flashing lights on it. I finally got past motherboard and memory problems though despite the total lack of error diagnostics and manuals.

      Then came the graphics cards. Their software did not contain the drivers needed for the operating system at 64 bit. Same problems. So I clicked on the 24 hour online chat. It asked for my email address, name, hardware, and a description of the problem. I filled this out and hit submit. Their 24hr support popped up with a window saying sorry, they are only there eight hours a day and it was off-hours currently! I kind of thought that they’d contact me via email but after a week no response. Well I searched their site for 5850 graphics cards and nothing was found! WTF. So I tunnel in and find the software for 5850 and downloaded the software for it. Then I installed the software which said it was for the 5850 on the banner. Guess what. There was no 5850 section to install. Lots of other models but the software number that was on the banner was not contained there. I finally got it all working no thanks to any of the hardware vendors.

      The point of the story is these hardware vendors keep everything about their product totally secret. The very very very little testing they do is only for M$ using the major flavor of the moment. As a result Linux and other OSs have very little hope of getting the most out of any hardware. Sure Linux boasts *fully compatible* with all sorts of hardware but in reality the hardware is not compatible with even most of the M$ world. Hardware vendors are the problem.

      Unless it’s a gaming machine or one of maybe two office PCs that are needed to talk with hardware I’d stick with Ubuntu. Ubuntu does it’s job well enough. It’s the only way we’ll eventually force hardware vendors to do a good job.

      Comment by ioconnor — April 16, 2010 @ 2:44 pm

  2. it jobs are very much in demand these days because of technology boom~;`

    Comment by Vegetable Storage : — October 28, 2010 @ 9:00 pm

  3. when i was quite younger, i alway enjoy online chatting with friends and relatives “”

    Comment by Disco Lights · — November 4, 2010 @ 5:39 am

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